Thursday 21 March 2013

Trip to Arsenal Training Ground

So just over a month ago, I was one of 50 lucky Junior Gunners who won a competition to visit the training centre. It was fair to say that me being excited was an understatment!
I set my alarm for a very upsetting 5:30 and set upon my journey to London. We had arranged to meet at South Mimms Sevice station at around 11:30, but as we were so eager we arrived a little early..(10:30; which suprised me as my Grandad - who very kindly offered to drive me - didn't have a clue where to go, bless him)
At around 11 a huge coach pulled up with 'VIP' written all over it, to my suprise it was for us! As we approached the bus, two Arsenal event managers stepped out and ticked my name off. They also informed me that I was the only girl, Great! It took around 7 minutes to get to the centre, and wow, it was beautiful!

We had Lunch in Arsene Wenger's press conference room before heading down to the indoor training facilities for a training session. Whilst we were there the Gunnersaurous walked in!
We were introduced to our coaches, mine were called Joe and Tom, they were extremly nice and talented guys. They've gave us a two hour training session, filled with mini games and drills which the first team regually do during their training sessions.
Whilst we were playing I noticed the reserve team, Arshavin and Fabianski were watching us from the gym! Just a little pressure to score..
Once the session finished, which if I must say, was very tiring, we all got taken on a 'behind the scenes' tour on the complex. This involved the changing rooms; swimming pools and gyms; and the amazing 18 football pitches!
We got to see the players individual changing areas, in which we met Kieran Gibbs! We also got to look at the players training kits and boots. I even held Jack Wilshere's boot! 

After an amazing Lunch, Training and Tour we finally went back to the coach to go home. I'd like to thank everyone at Arsenal for the one-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and would recommend anyone who get's the chance to visit the centre to very much take it!
Thanks for reading!

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